Keby ste si precitali odkaz tak by ste tam nasli tento odstavec a neviedli diskusiu smerom, akym sa ubera.
"If a particular user would want to install proprietary components, they are free to do so even if we don't recommend doing this. For example, standardization of Free Software using a single multimedia framework like GStreamer makes it easier for users to install any additional multimedia codecs easily and having them immediately accessible and functional across all applications. In Fedora 7, we are planning to go further by providing a feature called the Codec Buddy, which kicks in when a user attempts to use content which requires additional codecs and guides them to fetch the codecs easily instead of cryptic error messages."
O tomto vím, ale to je jenom jejich záměr, který taky může dopadnout jakkoliv. Navíc ano, doinstalovat se to tam dá i teď, akorát - jak jsem psal - je to pořádný porod...
Fedora čistí repozitáře, no a plno uživatelů vyčistí Fedoru :-)
Ehm .. nechapu co je za "porod" prihodit si pomoci copy-paste prikazu rpm repositar livna a pak to tam proste doinstalovat na par clicku v yumexu ??? je to 100x jednodussi nez doinstalovat vsechny obvykle aplikace do widlows .. :-)