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Názor ke zprávičce Německý soud zrušil zákon o sledování počítačů od hypoet - neschvalili, lebo Bill im povedal nech neblbnu, ze...

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  • 28. 2. 2008 1:15

    hypoet (neregistrovaný)
    neschvalili, lebo Bill im povedal nech neblbnu, ze on im za tie iste prachy da pristup k tym informaciam. :P

    okrem toho bol by to chaos, hned ako by spominany nemecky virus dorazil na nieciju masinu a zacal by vysielat data ...

    "hard drive scan proved presence of large scale of porn documentation"
    "user is just watching som more porn on various websites"
    "large packet about this crap has just been sent to american server"
    "large packet about this crap has just been sent to irak server"
    "large packet about this crap has just been sent to russian server"
    "large packet about this crap has just been sent to china server"
    "large packet about this crap has just been sent to japan server"

    a koho by to vlastne zaujimalo ze ;)