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columns - Columnize Input Text


columns [-flag [value]]... [--opt-name [[=| ]value]]...
All arguments must be options.


This manual page documents, briefly, the columns command. This program was designed for the purpose of generating compact, columnized tables. It will read a list of text items from standard in or a specified input file and produce a columnized listing of all the non-blank lines. Leading white space on each line is preserved, but trailing white space is stripped. Methods of applying per-entry and per-line embellishments are provided. See the formatting and separation arguments below. This program is used by AutoGen to help clean up and organize its output.


R -W num, --width = num
Maximum Line Width. This option takes an integer number as its argument. The default num for this option is: 79 This option specifies the full width of the output line, including any start-of-line indentation. The output will fill each line as completely as possible, unless the column width has been explicitly specified. If the maximum width is less than the length of the widest input, you will get a single column of output.
R -c count, --columns = count
Desired number of columns. This option takes an integer number as its argument. The default count for this option is: 0 Use this option to specify exactly how many columns to produce. If that many columns will not fit within line_width, then the count will be reduced to the number that fit.
R -w num, --col-width = num
Set width of each column. This option takes an integer number as its argument. The default num for this option is: 0 Use this option to specify exactly how many characters are to be allocated for each column. If it is narrower than the widest entry, it will be over-ridden with the required width.
R --spread =num
maximum spread added to column width. This option takes an integer number as its argument. The default num for this option is: 0 Use this option to specify exactly how many characters may be added to each column. It allows you to prevent columns from becoming too far apart.
R -I l-pfx, --indent = l-pfx
Line prefix or indentation. If a number, then this many spaces will be inserted at the start of every line. Otherwise, it is a line prefix that will be inserted at the start of every line.
R --first-indent =l-pfx
First line prefix. This option must appear in combination with the following options: indent. If a number, then this many spaces will be inserted at the start of the first line. Otherwise, it is a line prefix that will be inserted at the start of that line.
R --tab-width =num
tab width. This option takes an integer number as its argument. The default num for this option is: 8 If an indentation string contains tabs, then this value is used to compute the ending column of the prefix string.
R -s key-pat, --sort [ =key-pat ]
Sort input text. Causes the input text to be sorted. If an argument is supplied, it is presumed to be a pattern and the sort is based upon the matched text. If the pattern starts with or consists of an asterisk (*), then the sort is case insensitive.
R -f fmt-str, --format = fmt-str
Formatting string for each input. If you need to reformat each input text, the argument to this option is interpreted as an sprintf(3) format that is used to produce each output entry.
R -S sep-str, --separation = sep-str
Separation string - follows all but last. Use this option if, for example, you wish a comma to appear after each entry except the last.
R --line-separation =sep-str
string at end of all lines but last. Use this option if, for example, you wish a backslash to appear at the end of every line, except the last.
R --by-columns
Print entries in column order. Normally, the entries are printed out in order by rows and then columns. This option will cause the entries to be ordered within columns. The final column, instead of the final row, may be shorter than the others.
R -i file, --input = file
Input file (if not stdin). This program normally runs as a filter, reading from standard input, columnizing and writing to standard out. This option redirects input to a file.
R -? , --help
Display usage information and exit.
R -! , --more-help
Extended usage information passed thru pager.
R -v [{v|c|n}], --version [={v|c|n}]
Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will print the full copyright notice.


This program is documented more fully in the Columns section of the Add-On chapter in the R AutoGen Info system documentation.


Bruce Korb
Please send bug reports to: autogen-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Released under the GNU General Public License.
This manual page was AutoGen-erated from the columns option definitions.