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Ministerstvo spravedlnosti Nového Zélandu chce OSS

13. 12. 2007


Podle ministerstva je open source software více stabilní, podporovatelný a cenově efektivní v porovnání s proprietárními řešeními. U OSS je menší riziko zániku podpory než u komerčních projektů, protože komerční projekt zanikne v okamžiku ztráty zisku. Na webu The New Zealand Open Source Society je k dispozici obsáhlé PDF s podrobnostmi.

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  • 13. 12. 2007 10:31

    The impact of Free/Libre/Open Source Software on innovation and competitiveness of the European Union

    Brussels, January 15, 2007

    Open Source key for ICT Competitiveness: European Commission

    web IDABC- projektu Europskej komise pre e-Government

    11 December 2007] Basic FLOSS links
    [11 December 2007] Basic history of FLOSS
    [11 December 2007] Basic principles of OSS
    [11 December 2007] IDABC's attitude towards Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS)
    [11 December 2007] The current state of FLOSS
    27 November 2007] IDABC OSS activities
    [27 November 2007] Objectives: The objectives of IDABC's work for open source
    [27 November 2007] Open Source Software released by IDABC: Software released by IDABC under an open source licence

    DENMARK will trial open standards software throughout 2008
    12 December 2007
    "During the test period, public authorities must be able to receive both standards, known as ODF and OOXML, and new procurements must be able to handle at least one of the two standards.

    December 10, 2007
    Proposed legislation that would mandate the use of the Open Document Format (ODF) across the entire Dutch government
    The proposal recommends the use of open source software if that’s a viable alternative over closed-source applications, which could give a major boost to applications like OpenOffice. Implementing the plan is expected to cost 8.45 million euros between 2008 and 2011.

    If the plan is enacted, public-sector organizations, as well as the government, would have to transition to using ODF by 2010

    k tomu Francuzi(Mandriva chce posporu statu) a Nemci (ministerstvo zahranicnych veci presadzuje ODF-ko a aj ho ma v svojej internej poste)

    to uz su 4 hlasy v hlasovani EIF(standard pre dokumenty v E-governmente v EU a v jej celnskych statoch) 2.0 (bude to o nejake 2 mesiace so zavaznostou od 1.1.2010 alebo 1.1.2011)
    4 z 25 je malo, el kto vie. Ta migracia systemov bude sanca aj pre ine FLOSS ako OOo
  • 13. 12. 2007 13:01

    autor je vtedy dobry ak ho poznaju aj na dielach,ktore nepodpisal, lebo ma unikatny styl a nechce sa mi changenut si heslo,ktore som zabudol...

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Pavel Chalupa je redaktorem zpráviček a příležitostným pisatelem článků na Root.cz.