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Názor ke zprávičce SteamOS můžete rozběhnout i na kartách AMD a Intel od Jarda_P - Nevim, ja to moc nestudoval, protoze nevyvijim a...

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  • 17. 12. 2013 22:30


    Nevim, ja to moc nestudoval, protoze nevyvijim a z diskuzi si to uz nepamatuji. Ale mam pocit, ze se myslite. Vy byste zde neodvozoval nove jadro, ale spustil si nad nim sve aplikace a pouzil sve knihovny. Pokud si je zbastlite z fleku, tak ke GPL nakaze by dojit nemelo.

    "However, software running as an application program under a GPL-licensed operating system such as Linux is not required to be licensed under GPL or to be distributed with source-code availability—the licensing depends only on the used libraries and software components and not on the underlying platform.[50] For example if a program consists only of own original custom software, or is combined with source code from other software components,[51] then the own custom software components need not be licensed under GPL and need not make their code available; even if the underlying operating system used is licensed under the GPL, applications running on it are not considered derivative works.[50] Only if GPLed parts are used in a program (and the program is distributed), then all other source code of the program needs to be made available under the same license terms."