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Thunderbird přechází z Mozilla Foundation pod MZLA Technologies Corp.

28. 1. 2020


Thunderbird flip Autor: Depositphotos

Mozilla Foundation a Thunderbird Council dnes společně oznámili, že poštovní klient Thunderbird se ode dneška přesouvá z neziskovky Mozilla Foundation do komerční společnosti MZLA Technologies Corporation, kterou ovšem Mozilla Foundation vlastní.

V oznámení uvádějí, že zaměření Thunderbirdu, stejně jako otevřenost jeho kódu, se nezmění. Nadále bude k dispozici zdarma. Přesun pod komerční společnost má podle vyjádření umožnit nabízení některých služeb, které pod neziskovkou nebylo možné nabídnout.

Oznámení bylo vyvěšeno na blogu Thunderbirdu a přispěvatelům byl také zaslán následující e-mail:

From the Thunderbird team, thank you!!

Dear XXX,

As an active monthly donor to Thunderbird, we are notifying you that Thunderbird is transitioning from under its current legal and financial home at the Mozilla Foundation to MZLA Technologies Corporation, a California for-profit corporation wholly owned by the Mozilla Foundation.

Thunderbird will continue to be its own independent project within this new entity, and future contributions will be reserved for use in the Thunderbird Project. The Thunderbird client will still be free and open source and your continued donation will help ensure its continued development. Read more about the transition here.

How does this transition impact you and your monthly donation? All current monthly Thunderbird donations will be canceled and no longer processed by Stripe (for credit cards) or PayPal after January 28, 2020.

To continue your support of Thunderbird we ask that you restart your monthly gift of XXX CZK by clicking here. Your restarted monthly donation will be processed by Braintree (credit cards) or PayPal.

Any restarted monthly donations will no longer be received by the Mozilla Foundation, and therefore will not be tax deductible as charitable contributions due to this transition.

We would like to thank you for your recurring support. Your generous contributions have helped Thunderbird continuously improve as the leading open source cross-platform email and calendaring client.


The Thunderbird Council and Mozilla Foundation

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