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Definice verbálního zneužívání: pohledy se liší

12. 10. 2016
Doba čtení: 5 minut


Dnešek přináší tabulku s kompilátem definic druhů verbálního zneužívání podle tří vybraných zdrojů z minulého dílu. Budeme tak vědět, s čím Torvaldsovo chování porovnávat.

Jedna z budov University of Nebraska-Lincoln. UNL byla založena roku 1869. Foto: Bkell via Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY)

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Chování Wikipedie Psychology Today UNL
Blokování nebo vyhýbání se tématu (blocking and diverting) „blocking and diverting“ „Blocking and diverting is a form of withholding but one where the abuser decides which topics are good conversation topics. An abuser practicing this form of abuse may tell the victim that she is talking out of turn or is complaining too much.“ „Blocking and diverting: The abuser purposefully creates barriers to the partner's efforts to communicate and will change the conversation to gain control.“
Discounting „discounting“ „Discounting is an attempt to deny that the victim of the abuse has any right to her thoughts or feelings. It may come out as criticism but criticism of a particular kind. The abuser may tell the victim on a regular basis that she is too sensitive, too childish, has no sense of humor or tends to make a big deal out of nothing. The abuser thereby denies the victim’s inner reality, indirectly telling her that how she feels and what she experiences is wrong.“ „Discounting: The partner's accomplishments or experiences are minimized or dismissed as unimportant.“
Nadávka (name calling) name calling „Name calling, too, can be explicit or subtle. Explicit name calling can consist in calling the victim of the abuse a “cunt” a “whore” or a “bitch”. But it can also be more subtle, calling the other person things that are implicitly hurtful, for instance, “You are such a victim” or “You think you are so precious, don’t you?”“ „Name calling: The abuser tries to strip away the partner's dignity and identity and replaces it with a foul name.“
Obviňování neprávem (accusing and blaming) accusing and blaming „Accusing and blaming are forms of abuse in which the abuser will accuse the victim of the abuse for things that are outside of her control. He might accuse her of preventing him from getting a promotion because she is overweight or ruining his reputation because she dropped out of college.“ „Accusing and blaming: The abuser blames the partner for the abuse which would therefore excuse the abuser's actions. This often happens when the partner confronts the abuser about his hurtful behavior. Judging and criticizing: The abuser puts down the partner's thoughts, feelings, or actions. “
Odporování za každou cenu (countering) „countering“ „Countering is a tendency to be very argumentative but not merely in political, philosophical or scientific contexts but in ordinary contexts as well. The victim of the abuse may share her positive feelings about a movie she just saw, and the abuser may then attempt to convince her that her feelings are wrong. This is an example of countering. Countering is a way of dismissing the victim’s feelings, thoughts and experiences on a regular basis.“ „Countering: The partner's thoughts, feelings, perceptions and experiences are disputed or any point or idea is argued.“
Přikazování (ordering) „ordering“ „Any form of ordering or demanding is a form of verbal abuse. It falls under the general issue of control. I have written another post about controlling people. The link is here.“ " Ordering and commanding: The abuser shows obvious displays of dominance and control over the partner."
Řvaní „drž hubu!“ (yelling „shut up!“) „ordering“ „Even yelling “shut up!” is abusive. There are other ways to deal with people who need to “shut up”.“ " Ordering and commanding: The abuser shows obvious displays of dominance and control over the partner."
Trivializing trivializing „Trivializing is a form of verbal abuse that makes most things the victim of the abuse does or wants to do seem insignificant. The abuser might undermine her work, her way of dressing or her choice of food.“ „Trivializing: The abuser acts as though the partner's opinions, thoughts, actions, or concerns are trivial or don't count.“
Undermining undermining „Undermining is similar to trivializing but further consists in undermining everything the victim says or suggests, making her question herself and her own opinions and interests.“ „Undermining: The abuser tries to erode the self-confidence and self-esteem of the partner. Nothing the partner does is ‚good enough.‘“
Souzení a kritika (judging and criticizing) „judging and criticizing „Judging and criticizing is similar to accusing and blaming but also involves a negative evaluation of the partner. As Evans points out, “Most ‘you’ statements are judgmental, critical, and abusive.” Some abusive judging and criticizing “you” statements are: “You are never satisfied”, “You always find something to be upset about”, “The reason no one likes you is that you are so negative”.“ „Judging and criticizing: The abuser puts down the partner's thoughts, feelings, or actions.“
Verbální zneužívání je formou násilí (form of violence) dole na stránce je zařazené v rámečku domácí násilí „Verbal abuse finally is being recognized as a form of domestic violence“
Verbální zneužívání maskované jako vtip (disguised as jokes) „Verbal abuse is often disguised as jokes. The abuser may say something very upsetting to the victim of the abuse and then after seeing her reaction add “It was just a joke.” Abuse is not okay in any form. Jokes that hurt are abusive.“ „Verbal abuse disguised as jokes : The abuser jokes about the part ner or things the partner has done that humiliates and embarrasses the pa rtner, or makes the partner feel bad.“

Po pohledu na výsledky rešerše v tabulce vidím největší problém ani ne v tom, že by se jednotlivé definice neshodly, ale především v nejasnosti, zda každý výskyt fenoménu je verbálním zneužíváním. Někdo by mohl na někoho např. zařvat „drž hubu!“ a pak argumentovat, že se verbálního zneužívání nedopustil, neboť jeho frekvence používání nebyla dostatečně vysoká na to, aby jako verbální zneužívání kvalifikovala. A dál Psychology Today, označující každý výskyt za verbální zneužívání, zavrhnout jako jednotlivou definici, kterou ostatní (Wikipedie, UNL) nesdílejí.

Rád bych viděl, aby vědecká komunita toto téma jasně definovala a vymezila např. jak vehementně se člověk může vyhýbat tématu, aby se na to ještě nevztahoval pojem verbální zneužívání. Co třeba když někdo na rovinu řekne „o tomto tématu se mi nechce mluvit“, ale dělá to často? Je to verbální zneužívání nebo ne?


Studie, zabývající se Torvaldsovým diskursem

Schneider, Spurlock a Squire prezentovali studii na konferenci OpenSym2016. Tato čerstvá studie porovnává diskurs Linuse Torvaldse a jiného významného vývojáře Linuxu, Grega Kroah-Hartmana.

Vývojář linuxového kernelu Greg Kroah-Hartman v kanceláři firmy SuSE v Norimberku. Foto je z roku 2011. Autor: Sebastian Oliva via Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY-SA)

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Karel Kulhavý vystudoval operační systémy, sítě a překladače na MFF UK a je autorem optického pojítka Twibright Ronja a spoluautorem textového a grafického webového prohlížeče Twibright Links.